Sunday Mornings
At 10:30 am every Sunday we gather together to celebrate God’s faithfulness and grace, reaffirm our own faithfulness to God, build each other up, and seek God’s will for our own lives and the life of our church. We worship God through singing, teaching, prayer and on the last Sunday of the month, communion. Our multicultural, multigenerational congregation meets in the sanctuary.
We also steam our service live every week on our YouTube page. You can find our live service here.
We also steam our service live every week on our YouTube page. You can find our live service here.
Bible Studies
Because our core values include living out passionate faith and supporting personal growth, we place great value in providing a strong Bible Study program. This includes weekly men’s and women's bible studies, held here at the church on Thursdays at 7pm.
Our Nursery is open and available to care for kids age 0-4 during our Sunday morning services. From the front foyer of the church, parents can head downstairs and sign their child in for Nursery services. At which point, they will be asked to fill out a registration form. Parents will receive a text from Nursery personnel during the service if they are needed for any reason.
Registration forms for Nursery can be found here.
For more information please contact the church office at 905-937-6900
Registration forms for Nursery can be found here.
For more information please contact the church office at 905-937-6900
Kids Ministry
Grades K-5
Kids Ministry at Scott Street happens on Sunday mornings alongside our Sunday service for kids age 4-10. Children will stay in the service with their families until "Kids Zone" happens after the worship songs. They'll be invited up to the front for a short object lesson and prayer before being dismissed downstairs to the Sunday School classes.
Sunday School takes place in the church basement for the remaining duration of the church service. Kids will have the chance to sing songs, play games, make friends, and learn about Jesus.
On the final Wednesday of every month we also host a “Kids Club Night” from 6:15pm to 7:30pm for all kids age 4-10. This is a great night for kids to invite friends and have a great time getting to know each other and Jesus.
Registration forms for Kids Ministry can be found here.
For more information please contact the church office at 905-937-6900
Kids Ministry at Scott Street happens on Sunday mornings alongside our Sunday service for kids age 4-10. Children will stay in the service with their families until "Kids Zone" happens after the worship songs. They'll be invited up to the front for a short object lesson and prayer before being dismissed downstairs to the Sunday School classes.
Sunday School takes place in the church basement for the remaining duration of the church service. Kids will have the chance to sing songs, play games, make friends, and learn about Jesus.
On the final Wednesday of every month we also host a “Kids Club Night” from 6:15pm to 7:30pm for all kids age 4-10. This is a great night for kids to invite friends and have a great time getting to know each other and Jesus.
Registration forms for Kids Ministry can be found here.
For more information please contact the church office at 905-937-6900
Scott Street Jr. Youth
Grades 6-8
Our JR Youth group meets every Tuesday evening from 7pm to 9pm. All kids age 11-13 are invited to join us. Our goal is to help young people encounter God, who created us, loves us, and saves us; making friends and having a ton of fun along the way! We make time each week for kids to ask questions about God, Christianity, and life in general with the hope of helping them grow in their faith. Sign in happens at the Office Entrance on the east side of the building and then we move upstairs to the youth room.
Registration for JR Youth can be found here.
For more information please contact the church office at 905-937-6900 or email [email protected]
Our JR Youth group meets every Tuesday evening from 7pm to 9pm. All kids age 11-13 are invited to join us. Our goal is to help young people encounter God, who created us, loves us, and saves us; making friends and having a ton of fun along the way! We make time each week for kids to ask questions about God, Christianity, and life in general with the hope of helping them grow in their faith. Sign in happens at the Office Entrance on the east side of the building and then we move upstairs to the youth room.
Registration for JR Youth can be found here.
For more information please contact the church office at 905-937-6900 or email [email protected]
Scott Street Sr. Youth
Grades 9-12
Our SR Youth group meets every Friday evening from 7pm to 10pm. All youth age 14-18 are invited to join us. Our goal is to provide a safe environment in which teenagers can learn more about God, who He created them to be, and what it means for them to follow Him. We provide a safe space for the youth to have good, clean fun in an environment where they are free to be themselves and can discover the gifts and unique personality traits that God has given them.Please arrive at the Office Entrance on the east side of the building, from there we move upstairs to the youth room.
Registration for SR Youth can be found here.
For more information please contact the church office at 905-937-6900 or email [email protected]
Our SR Youth group meets every Friday evening from 7pm to 10pm. All youth age 14-18 are invited to join us. Our goal is to provide a safe environment in which teenagers can learn more about God, who He created them to be, and what it means for them to follow Him. We provide a safe space for the youth to have good, clean fun in an environment where they are free to be themselves and can discover the gifts and unique personality traits that God has given them.Please arrive at the Office Entrance on the east side of the building, from there we move upstairs to the youth room.
Registration for SR Youth can be found here.
For more information please contact the church office at 905-937-6900 or email [email protected]
South of '99 (Seniors Ministry)
At Scott Street we love older Seniors and feel no one is ever too old to enjoy life! Because we are located right in front of Tabor Manor, we provide a broadcasting service whereby we televise our Sunday Morning Service to the residents at Tabor.
Lunch at Scott Street
Lunch at Scott Street takes place Wednesdays at noon, the cost is $8. Those from the church and the community who would like to come for a delicious homemade meal and a time of fellowship are encouraged to sign up in advance by contacting the church office at 905-937-6900.
Quilting Circle
This ministry consists of a faithful group of ladies that meets every Monday morning to produce comforter blankets that are sent to people around the world through Mennonite Central Committee. These blankets become companions to many people facing persecution or are displaced from their territory or are living in poverty. Click here for more information about MCC and the impact comforters have for those in need around the world.
Other events and fellowship
Please take a look at our calendar to see all our programs and events in details.